I received 3 free diapers in my daughter's size with a Target logo on the packaging in the mail yesterday. I was told when I signed up for my Target Red Card that my information would not be sold. It seems the opposite is true. The people at Pampers sent me the sample to review on their company survey site. I thought it would do more good to review it here.
First the fit. It was far superior to the fit of my usual brand which is the Target brand diaper. I found the Target brand comparable to the Pampers Swaddlers when my daughter was a smaller size. But now the larger size of the Target brand seems to gape open around the leg. Though I haven't had any mishaps with this fit, I'm sure it won't be long before there will be one. The Cruisers fit like a glove. There were no gaps and no elastic imprints on her skin. Her bottom was drier than with the store brand and there was better padding and cushioning in the diaper. She seemed to notice the difference right away as she attempted the Mowgli crawl, something she hadn't tried before.

Second, I noticed the price. A pack of 124 count, size 4 Target brand diapers is $19.98. If you use your Red Card it will be 5% less. Every box comes with a $1 off coupon on the side which you are able to redeem instantly. Your final price is somewhere between $17-$18. The Cruisers are $35 for a 120 count box. With the 5% discount from the Target Red Card and the $2 coupon from the manufacturer, your bottom line is still about $10 more for 4 less diapers.
This really came down to fit for me. I had to decide, was the better fit worth the $10 and less diapers? After all, 4 diapers is at least a half day's worth of diapers. Seeing my daughter get up on her hands and feet instead of continuing her army crawl was certainly worth it. And lately the Target brand has been springing a few leaks. Is it worth the $10?
Painfully, I say the answer is yes. Diaper rash is no joke for me. It's worse for my baby girl. Being able to move more freely is crucial to a baby sister who is trying to keep up with her big brother. Reluctantly, I will be purchasing the Pampers Stages Cruisers for $10 more. Of course, I will be stacking the coupons as much as possible to reduce costs.
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